Investment Real Estate

As a Realtor who has experience in real estate, construction, property management and investing I am well rounded for anyone looking into getting started into investing in the Regina and surrounding area.  As someone who owns and purchases in Real Estate, I have the tools to be your boots on the ground in getting started.  From my skills and knowledge in real estate to having my own trade list all these items are beneficial to being an investment real estate agent.

If you are looking to invest in real estate, it is beneficial to work with an experienced Real Estate Agent.  I know this firsthand , there are many things to consider when helping someone look for a revenue property that would be different that a typical purchase or sale in real estate.  There is a skillset required to give proper advise and have knowledge of the surrounding areas and how it will affect the property. When starting off it is great to meet with an agent and ask questions to make sure they have the ability, experience and knowledge that will property assist you in the purchase of an investment property.

Things to ask a Realtor

-        Do you own property in the area I am buying?

-        Do you own rental properties of your own?

-        Area to avoid or better areas for what you are looking for

-        What should I be looking for?

-        Do you know any trades who can get me costs or do repairs?

An experienced Realtor will also have question for you. When I meet with you to discuss investing in the Regina and surrounding area in real estate, I have many questions, these help me assist you thoroughly.  I go over all my agency requirements and what you can expect from me, working on behalf of you and the full extent of my services.  Being an investment agent is a different skill set, I place more of my time in a single transaction for you.

Whether you are a first-time investor looking to get started in real estate or has owned properties and is looking to expand your portfolio It is beneficial to work with me.  I can be your first step, we can sit down and discuss your options, expectations and what I will provide for you.  I can assist in getting you in the best hands for lenders and answering any questions along the way.  I will explain the process of what happens through the lender, appraisal, inspections, negotiating, looking for and at properties, rent amounts and in finding good renters.  I offer market advise and have the ability to find local listings and get quotes prior to making an offer.